Beta Released (

Debugging on RAC: You can now debug on a RAC instance without having separate TNSNames entries for each node in the cluster if the following conditions are met:


• Oracle version number is 11gR2 or newer.

• EZCONNECT is specified in the NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter of SQLNET.Ora

Team Coding:

  • Schema Browser has two new optional display fields to display ‘Team Coding Status’ and ‘Team Coding Project’. These can be turned on by right clicking on the Object columns at the top of the Schema Broweser left hand side.
  • Code Collections can create VCS SubProjects for schemas and object types. This greatly simplifies the set up of code collections, by eliminating the need to set up sub projects for each schema or object type in Version Control. There are 2 steps to enable this option
    1 - In Team Coding Configuration check 'Allow Team Coding to creat VCS project folders for object types

2 - There is a new VCS Sub Projects group box in tje Code Collections Add / Edit Dialog.

  • Select the main VCS Project from the VCS Provider.

  • Check ‘VCS Sub-Projects’ checkbox to enable the feature.

  • Optionally enter a folder name in ‘VCS Sub-Projects Folder’. This defaults to the Code Collection name. The subfolders for Schema\Object Type will

in a new VCS Project folder with this name. If this field is left blank, sub-projects will be created in the main project folder.

3 - Optionally, Create the VCS Sub-projects by clicking the ‘Create Folders…’ button. If you do not create the projects at set up, Team Coding will create the folders the first time an object that meets the folder criteria is checked out for edit.

  • Added Team Coding Dockable Window

  • To launch select View - Team Coding. There are two tabs. The ‘Current Object’ tab contains detailed Team Coding information about the currently selected object in the Schema Browser, Editor or Team Coding Dashboard. This information has been removed from the Editor Output window and Schema Browser Team Coding Tab.

  • The second tab is ‘Locked Objects’. This displays a list of all objects checked out by the current user. There are menu options to ‘Compare contents’, ‘Check in’ or ‘Open’ the object from this tab. There is an additional ‘keep locked’ option to enable a user to check in his work, but to keep the object checked out for edit.