Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

me and about 40 my co-workers migrated TOAD from version 9 to version 12 two months ago.
We found some unhappy behaviour of new verison (TOAD for Oracle 32-bit, v12.1.0.22).
If there is some option in toad options which can be used to to help us i will be thankful to you :slight_smile:

  1. Can’t use F4 for describe of role in editor
  2. Object filters in schema browser are different for each tab

Thank you.

KR, Robert Mackovik

And of course if there is no help in this version, we would like to add this to next version of TOAD :slight_smile: Thanks.

Hi Robert,

I just tried this using a standard Toad license with no bells and whistles. I typed in DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE in the editor and F4’d on it. The describe
window came up without a problem. Are you getting some error message?

Yes, this was a requested change in behavior. I don’t mind changing it back (or making it optional if they are stored by object type or globally),
but I think this is something that should go through idea pond. If it gets a lot of support there, I’ll change it.


From: Robert Mackovik []

Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2013 5:47 AM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

Thread created by Robert Mackovik


me and about 40 my co-workers migrated TOAD from version 9 to version 12 two months ago.

We found some unhappy behaviour of new verison (TOAD for Oracle 32-bit, v12.1.0.22).

If there is some option in toad options which can be used to to help us i will be thankful to you :slight_smile:

  1. Can’t use F4 for describe of role in editor

  2. Object filters in schema browser are different for each tab

Thank you.

KR, Robert Mackovik

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Hi John,

thank you for your reply.

  1. Error: Object DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE not found.

But in schema browser at Roles tab i see this role. I have access to DBA_ROLES view, also to DBA_TAB_PRIVS view.

  1. Thank you, I tell this to my co-workers :slight_smile:


I think that I haven’t rights for a different sys view wich has nothing to do with roles. Is the way in which TOAD seeks objects correct? Eg if i have not rights to see DBA_USERS, is correct to say that “Object DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE not found”? If this is the cause than i think this is a bug.

I tried to log in as different user with greater rights, and popup window with role has shown, as you said, thank you.

I used SQL tracker to identify the select when i press F4 in editor, and I saw few selects with union. Eg. select with roles:

Select ‘USER’ object_type, null owner, username object_name
from sys.DBA_USERS
where username = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’
union all
Select ‘TABLESPACE’ object_type, null owner, tablespace_name object_name
where tablespace_name = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’
union all
Select ‘PROFILE’ object_type, null owner, profile object_name
from sys.dba_profiles
where profile = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’
and rownum = 1
union all
Select ‘ROLE’ object_type, null owner, role object_name
from sys.dba_roles
where role = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’

If I have not rights for DBA_USERS and DBA_PROFILES, then I can’t see ROLES in popup window.

Is my suspicion right?

Thank you.


Ah-hah! Yes, that is the problem. Good detective work.

It shouldn’t be querying against dba_profiles if you don’t have privileges on it, but I see a mistake in the check for privileges there. I will fix that.

The check for dba_users looks good. I think the problem is dba_profiles.


From: Robert Mackovik []

Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 12:54 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

RE: Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

Reply by Robert Mackovik

I think that I haven’t rights for a different sys view wich has nothing to do with roles. Is the way in which TOAD seeks objects correct? Eg if i have not rights to see DBA_USERS, is correct
to say that “Object DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE not found”? If this is the cause than i think this is a bug.

I tried to log in as different user with greater rights, and popup window with role has shown, as you said, thank you.

I used SQL tracker to identify the select when i touch F4 in editor, and I saw few selects with union. Eg. select with roles:

Select ‘USER’ object_type, null owner, username object_name

from sys.DBA_USERS

where username = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’

union all

Select ‘TABLESPACE’ object_type, null owner, tablespace_name object_name


where tablespace_name = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’

union all

Select ‘PROFILE’ object_type, null owner, profile object_name

from sys.dba_profiles

where profile = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’

and rownum = 1

union all

Select ‘ROLE’ object_type, null owner, role object_name

from sys.dba_roles

where role = ‘DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE’

If I have not rights for DBA_USERS and DBA_PROFILES, then I can’t see ROLES in popup window.

Is my suspicion right?

Thank you.


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Thank you John,

when fixed version will be deployed, can I expect a message here or I have to check “whats new” files for each future version?

I am fairly pleased with this (your) support quality (it’s contrasting to Oracle support).

I’ve already fixed it. The fix will be in the next announced 12.5 beta, and in 12.5 GA. There probably won’t be any announcement of this bug since it just
came up through the forum. The forum isn’t an official support channel, but it is generally the fastest way to get to the developers. If you want the bug to get a case number and be tracked, you have to go through Dell support.


From: Robert Mackovik []

Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6:24 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

RE: Change toad v.9 to v.12 - some difference in behaviour

Reply by Robert Mackovik

Thank you John,

when fixed version will be deployed, can I expect a message here or I have to check “whats new” files for each future version?

I am fairly pleased with this (your) support quality (it’s contrasting to Oracle support).

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