Disable checking of returned number of rows


SQLOptimizer 9.2 x64 on Oracle 11.2.03 x64.

Have a lot of queires that are attacking a tables in which number of rows are frequently changed. Consequence is that SQL Optimizer fail to verify queries which doesn’t return the exact number of rows as original.

How to disable that checking or is there any way to overcome this behavior?


Hi Damir,

There is currently no way to disable this checking. It is included as part of the result of the test run function. The only way now is to ignore this checking if you are sure the cause is from the table being changed.

I will add an enhancement request to disable it.



Hi Alex,

AFAIK, i cannot ignore it because SQL Optimizer stop showing final data (in grid) when realizes that number of records is different.
So in this moment I cannot test such a SQLs anyway.

Hi Damir,

I am not sure if I understand what you mean by saying "stop showing final data (in grid) ". Please help elaborate.

Note that all run time statistics will still be shown in the grid even when the record count is different from the original. You can still see the statistics and sort them as normal. The only thing different is the trophy icon, which will not be displayed on the alternatives with different record count. Hope this clarify what it should be like in the product. If you see it behaves different, it could likely to be a problem. Then, please provide more details about what you see so I can evaluate about it.



Hi Alex,
Mine fault.
Working 5 jobs in parallel, so mix some things…
You are right, I can ignore that and all data in grid are shown, as you said.

Hi Damir,

No worries. It’s good to know that you can at least ignore the checking and complete the workflow in optimization.

