Import Wizard not handling Ddatabase name where there are special characters.

When performing a simple insert from a Wizard of a CSV file the target database name was “HankDBName_Rel_3.2.2” . The problems here is that the import wizard fault on the numbers and periods because the database name is Not enclosed in brackets [HankDBName_Rel_3.2.2] … The only solutions is perform the wizard using a stand non-special character database name, then import the table to the [HankDBName_Rel_3.2.2] …

Bug Priority - “C”, there is a work-a-round on this issue, but it should still be fixed. meaning the database objects should be useable is in brackets as discussed.

Hank Freeman - Senior SQL Server DBA - Data and Solutions Architect. 2-Aug-2014.


Thank you very much for your support. This is really a issue. And we have create TSS-638 for it.

Best regards,
