Setting Variables in Automation Issue -- Behaves Differently Than in Editor or .TDR File

Hi Igor,

do you have any news on this issue?



Hi Andreas,

Very strange but this current thread is somehow broken… The thread started here:…/21008.aspx

Anyway, as I mentioned above, the problem has been fixed in February this year. The 3.7 beta program is still active if you want to go with it - see link Debbie gave (…/default.aspx).

Also, TDP 3.7 is now GA, you can get it if you want. Please check…/default.aspx

I hope I answered the question you asked.


Hi Igor,

sorry i replied on page 1.

I have now downloaded version 3.7. of Toad Datapoint.

However my issue is not fixed.

I tried to set a variable in an automation script with the value:

concat(’ ’ ',‘ABC’)

however this results in the error:

Set_Variable_Value_3 - mismatched input ‘’,’’ expecting ‘)’ line 1:13

When i test this expression in the expression editor it works.

Can you please have a look at this?



Hi Andreas,

Now I see. The bug you’ve found is not exactly the same as the one that started this thread. I’ve created QAT-5746 to track this particular issue.


ok. thank you very much.

can you give me an update if there is anything?

Hello this is me again. I still need your help. I'm testing this on the new 3.7 and have good news and bad news.

GOOD News: I get no errors in the dialog box of the SET VARIABLE in Automation

BAD News: Although the automation script runs, I get no results from the query when querying for two items, just an empty Excel File.

Please, note that if I use only one element such as 'ABC' (including quotes) for my variable value, the query runs successfully with output data available, however, if I include two items to seek for 'ABC','DEF' then I get 0 rows exported.

Attached some screenshots of my experience.

I know this is really old thread, but I am having exactly the problem as described by the post from Andreas in May '15 …

he says:

I tried to set a variable in an automation script with the value:

concat(’ ’ ',‘ABC’)

however this results in the error:

Set_Variable_Value_3 - mismatched input ‘’,’’ expecting ‘)’ line 1:13

When i test this expression in the expression editor it works.

I am using TDP 4.2.1 64-bit.
No matter what I have tried, I can’t find a way to include a single quote in any string output.
I need to build an “IN” string list for Oracle query - e.g.
where table_name in (‘RED’,‘YELLOW’,‘BLUE’)
and the table names are variables, i have to build on the fly.

How to escape a single quote mark in a variable ??

Is defect QAT-5476 still not fixed from 3 years ago?

defect QAT-5746 was fixed at TDP3.8, but it was somehow broken since TDP4.2.1, I create a new defect QAT-13364 to track this issue

Has there been any update on this? I'm currently having the same issue using Toad 4.3 (version controlled by my company so I can't download the newest version) and have tried all of the suggestions above and on several other pages without success.

I'm trying to return a list of plan IDs depending on which state is input. I have an If statement that goes to a Set Variable Value. An example of my values would be:
PLAN_ID IN ('WY01','WY02','BT05') ---if typed out
PLAN_ID IN (:Plan_IDs) ---calling blind variable