TIC AD login issue with £ symbol in password

One of our users who uses AD for authentication was unable to login with the "£" symbol in their password. TIC was sending something else to the AD server, that was not the actual password, which caused their account to become locked out in Windows. (Perhaps it was sending the HTML-encoded variant "£" or "£") rather than the pound symbol. Changing the user's password to not have the "£" symbol resolved the issue.

Other special characters may also have this issue, but we haven't tested or encountered that scenario yet. Just putting this out there, in case other users have a similar problem.

Hey, so we had another user with a similar problem, the character "ö"

I'm going to file a support ticket, as this is crazy and should not be an issue in the TIC platform.

The issue reported in Service Request 4920988 has been identified as a defect TIC-13728. and raised with our Product team. The defect will be evaluated by our Product team for inclusion in a future release of Toad Intelligence Central.

Hi - This was not resolved in the upcoming 5.5 release of Toad Intelligence Central but I have asked that it be prioritized into one of the releases we have coming out in the next few months.

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