I have been a Toad for Oracle developer since 2001.
I've got a collection of documents about Toad and Oracle that I've written over the years. I thought they might be helpful to someone else, so I've put them in a folder on dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/122c8wmmfrd2vgn/AAAsO1aKKSyIyOKlpGGEyxQHa?dl=0
List of documents so far:
- Analyze Objects (updated Toad 13.2 window)
- ASH Browser
- ASM Manager Space History
- Automation Designer - Choose which script to run based on a * variable
- Automation Designer - Export multiple tables from a list
- Automation Designer - Passing multiple parameters to a script
- Automation Designer - Passing variables to export dataset
- DBMS_Auto_Index
- Data Dictionary views used by Toad 12.7
- Export Data to Excel with Page Breaks
- How to build a Windows VM with Oracle 12 ASM
- How to Extend a Disk Group
- How to create a 18c or 19c shard database on Linux VMs
- How to create an Oracle 12.2 Dataguard environment
- How to build a RAC instance with Windows VMs
- How to create a schema Script from command prompt
- Making a chart in Fast Report (Toad's Report Manager)
- New Multi Schema Compare
- Pivot Grids
- Updated Flat File Export
- What to do about long delay after ORA-01017 invalid user or password