I'm getting on in years now, having been in IT for over 40 years. I've been in support for most of them too as well as being a developer. I recently wrote, and had published, a book about how the Arduino Language works together with the hardware.
I've been in TeamT for many years, since the team was first set up in fact. I used to have a profile on the Toad World "Experts" page, but the TeamT members seem to have been taken away, and hidden for some reason.
I run, with my wife, our own software company. I do Oracle and development as required, and Alison does software testing. She's good!
I like reptiles, I used to keep bees but my wife suddenly became highly allergic to bee stings, so I don't keep them any more. I am most definitely a dog person and don't like cats much at all!
My wife says I'm grumpy! She may be right.