---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:31.302 Connect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:31.474 SELECT version, product, sysdate, null FROM sys.PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION WHERE UPPER(PRODUCT) LIKE '%ORACLE%'; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:31.490 Declare debug_connect_session number; alter_any_table number; alter_session number; alter_system number; alter_database number; alter_user number; create_table number; create_role number; create_trigger number; create_sequence number; administer_database_trigger number; administer_resource_manager number; create_any_index number; create_any_sequence number; create_any_table number; create_any_trigger number; debug_any_procedure number; drop_any_sequence number; execute_any_procedure number; select_any_table number; delete_any_table number; insert_any_table number; grant_any_object_priv number; grant_any_role number; grant_any_privilege number; select_any_dictionary number; update_any_table number; create_public_syn number; has_dba_synonyms number; has_dba_objects number; select_catalog_role number; db_charset nls_database_parameters.value%type; utplsql_ver VARCHAR2 (60); utplsql_own sys.all_objects.owner%TYPE; e_inherit_privs EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_inherit_privs, -6598); compatible_version varchar2(60); sid number; qry_str varchar2(4000); has_dbms_java number; has_dbms_debug number; local_trans_id varchar2(60); qu_version_owner user_objects.object_name%type; CTRepositoryVersionMajor number; CTRepositoryVersionMinor number; CTRepositoryVersionRevision number; CTRepositoryVersionBuild number; instance_id number; instance_name varchar2(100); server_name varchar2(100); OS_USERNAME varchar2(60); radix varchar2(1); dbid varchar2(30); dbname varchar2(9); authentication_type varchar2(30); AmazonRDSPackage user_objects.object_name%type; OraDBType number; ContainerID number; ContainerName varchar2(128); MaxStringSize varchar2(4000); AppRoot varchar2(3); AppPDB varchar2(3); max_ident_name_len number; ShardLink user_db_links.db_link%type; ShardID NUMBER; ShardDirector varchar2(256); -- -- swap out ALL_ views for DBA_ views if possible function check_for_dba(in_str in varchar2) return varchar2 is result varchar2(4000); begin result := in_str; if has_dba_objects > 0 then result := REPLACE (result, 'all_objects', 'dba_objects'); end if; if has_dba_synonyms > 0 then result := REPLACE (result, 'all_synonyms', 'dba_synonyms'); end if; return result; end; Begin -- Put Toad data into v$session columns Begin SYS.DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(:IN_MDL, :IN_ID); Exception When others then null; -- we can live without this. End; -- -- Retrieve specific system privileges select sum(decode(Privilege, 'ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER', 1, 0)) administer_database_trigger, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ADMINISTER RESOURCE MANAGER', 1, 0)) administer_resource_manager, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ALTER ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) alter_any_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ALTER DATABASE', 1, 0)) alter_database, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ALTER SESSION', 1, 0)) alter_session, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ALTER SYSTEM', 1, 0)) alter_system, sum(decode(Privilege, 'ALTER USER', 1, 0)) alter_user, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE ANY INDEX', 1, 0)) create_any_ind, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE ANY SEQUENCE', 1, 0)) create_any_seq, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) create_any_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE ANY TRIGGER', 1, 0)) create_any_trig, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM', 1, 0)) create_public_syn, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE ROLE', 1, 0)) create_role, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE SEQUENCE', 1, 0)) create_sequence, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE TABLE', 1, 0)) create_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'CREATE TRIGGER', 1, 0)) create_trigger, sum(decode(Privilege, 'DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE', 1, 0)) debug_any_proc, sum(decode(Privilege, 'DEBUG CONNECT SESSION', 1, 0)) debug_connect_session, sum(decode(Privilege, 'DROP ANY SEQUENCE', 1, 0)) drop_any_seq, sum(decode(Privilege, 'EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE', 1, 0)) execute_any_procedure, sum(decode(Privilege, 'GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE', 1, 0)) grant_any_object_priv, sum(decode(Privilege, 'GRANT ANY ROLE', 1, 0)) grant_any_role, sum(decode(Privilege, 'GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE', 1, 0)) grant_any_privilege, sum(decode(Privilege, 'SELECT ANY DICTIONARY', 1, 0)) select_any_dictionary, sum(decode(Privilege, 'SELECT ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) select_any_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'DELETE ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) delete_any_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'INSERT ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) insert_table, sum(decode(Privilege, 'UPDATE ANY TABLE', 1, 0)) update_any_table into administer_database_trigger, administer_resource_manager, alter_any_table, alter_database, alter_session, alter_system, alter_user, create_any_index, create_any_sequence, create_any_table, create_any_trigger, create_public_syn, create_role, create_sequence, create_table, create_trigger, debug_any_procedure, debug_connect_session, drop_any_sequence, execute_any_procedure, grant_any_object_priv, grant_any_role, grant_any_privilege, select_any_dictionary, select_any_table, delete_any_table, insert_any_table, update_any_table from sys.session_privs where privilege in ('DEBUG CONNECT SESSION', 'ALTER ANY TABLE', 'ALTER SESSION', 'ALTER SYSTEM', 'ALTER DATABASE', 'ALTER USER', 'ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER', 'ADMINISTER RESOURCE MANAGER', 'CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE ROLE', 'CREATE TRIGGER', 'CREATE SEQUENCE', 'EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE', 'SELECT ANY TABLE', 'DELETE ANY TABLE', 'INSERT ANY TABLE', 'UPDATE ANY TABLE', 'GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE', 'GRANT ANY ROLE', 'GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE', 'SELECT ANY DICTIONARY', 'CREATE ANY INDEX', 'CREATE ANY SEQUENCE', 'CREATE ANY TABLE', 'CREATE ANY TRIGGER', 'DEBUG ANY PROCEDURE', 'DROP ANY SEQUENCE', 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM'); -- -- Check for SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. It must be a default role to appear in the result of this query. Select sum(decode(role, 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE', 1, 0)) select_catalog_role into select_catalog_role from sys.session_roles where role = 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE'; -- -- determine database character set select value into db_charset from sys.nls_database_parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'; -- -- check for other ways dba_objects and dba_synonyms could be granted if (select_any_dictionary = 1) or (select_catalog_role = 1) then has_dba_synonyms := 1; has_dba_objects := 1; else -- -- just try to select from dba_synonyms and dba_objects as a privilege check begin qry_str := 'select 1 from DBA_SYNONYMS where rownum = 1'; execute immediate qry_str into has_dba_synonyms; exception when others then has_dba_synonyms := 0; end; begin qry_str := 'select 1 from DBA_OBJECTS where rownum = 1'; execute immediate qry_str into has_dba_objects; exception when others then has_dba_objects := 0; end; end if; -- -- retrieve OS Username begin qry_str := 'select SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''OS_USER'') from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into OS_USERNAME; exception when others then OS_USERNAME := null; end; -- -- retrieve SID if possible begin qry_str := 'select SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'',''SID'') from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into sid; exception when others then sid := -1; end; -- -- get compatible version begin qry_str := 'select value from v$parameter where name = ''compatible'''; execute immediate qry_str into compatible_version; exception when others then compatible_version := null; end; -- -- check for privileges on sys.dbms_transaction begin qry_str := 'select sys.dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into local_trans_id; exception when others then local_trans_id := ''; end; -- -- determine if certain packages are installed qry_str := 'select sum(decode(object_name, ''DBMS_JAVA'', 1, 0)) jv, sum(decode(object_name, ''DBMS_DEBUG'', 1, 0)) dbg from sys.all_objects where owner = ''SYS'' and object_type = ''PACKAGE'' and object_name in (''DBMS_JAVA'', ''DBMS_DEBUG'')'; qry_str := check_for_dba(qry_str); execute immediate qry_str into has_dbms_java, has_dbms_debug; -- -- determine if code tester repository is installed begin Select user into qu_version_owner FROM sys.user_objects WHERE object_name = 'QU_VERSION' AND object_type in ('PACKAGE', 'SYNONYM') AND rownum = 1; exception when no_data_found then qu_version_owner := null; end; -- if not found then look in other schemas if qu_version_owner is null then begin qry_str := 'select owner from sys.all_objects where object_name = ''QU_VERSION'' and object_type in (''PACKAGE'',''SYNONYM'') and rownum = 1'; qry_str := check_for_dba(qry_str); execute immediate qry_str into qu_version_owner; exception when others then qu_version_owner := null; end; end if; -- -- if it is installed, determine code tester version CTRepositoryVersionMajor := -1; CTRepositoryVersionMinor := -1; CTRepositoryVersionRevision := -1; CTRepositoryVersionBuild := -1; if qu_version_owner is not null then begin qry_str := 'select QU_VERSION.major_number, QU_VERSION.minor_number, QU_VERSION.revision_number, QU_VERSION.build_number from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into CTRepositoryVersionMajor, CTRepositoryVersionMinor, CTRepositoryVersionRevision, CTRepositoryVersionBuild; exception when others then null; end; end if; -- -- determine if this is a RAC instance qry_str := 'begin if dbms_utility.is_cluster_database then :OUT_IS_RAC := 1; else :OUT_IS_RAC := 0; end if; end;'; begin execute immediate qry_str using out :OUT_IS_RAC; exception when others then :OUT_IS_RAC := 0; end; -- -- determine instance id begin execute immediate 'select dbms_utility.current_instance from dual' into instance_id; exception when others then instance_id := 1; end; -- -- determine instance name and server name if possible qry_str := 'select sys_context(''USERENV'',''INSTANCE_NAME''), sys_context(''USERENV'',''SERVER_HOST'') from dual'; begin execute immediate qry_str into instance_name, server_name; exception -- if we don't have privs on v$instance and not rac, then try to get db name when others then if :OUT_IS_RAC = 0 then begin qry_str := 'select sys_context(''USERENV'',''DB_NAME'') from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into instance_name; exception when others then instance_name := null; end; end if; end; -- -- get timestamp radix begin qry_str := 'select to_char(systimestamp, ''X'' ) from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into radix; exception when others then radix := '.'; end; -- -- determine DBID, DBName if possible begin qry_str := 'select dbid, name from v$database'; execute immediate qry_str into dbid, dbname; exception when others then null; end; -- -- get authentication type begin qry_str := 'Select SYS_CONTEXT(''USERENV'', ''IDENTIFICATION_TYPE'') from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into authentication_type; exception when others then authentication_type := null; end; -- -- Is this an Amazon RDS Instance? begin qry_str := 'select object_name from sys.all_procedures where owner = ''RDSADMIN'' and object_name = ''RDSADMIN_UTIL'' and object_type = ''PACKAGE'' and subprogram_id = 0'; execute immediate qry_str into AmazonRDSPackage; exception when others then AmazonRDSPackage := null; end; -- -- get max string size begin qry_str := 'select value from v$parameter where name = ''max_string_size'''; execute immediate qry_str into MaxStringSize; exception when others then MaxStringSize := null; end; -- -- What kind of database is this? (pluggable, container, normal) begin qry_str := 'select TO_NUMBER(sys_context(''USERENV'',''CON_ID'')), sys_context(''USERENV'',''CON_NAME''), Case when sys_context(''USERENV'',''CON_NAME'') = ''CDB$ROOT'' then 1 -- container, when sys_context(''USERENV'',''CDB_NAME'') is null then 0 -- normal, else 2 -- pluggable end db_type from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into ContainerID, ContainerName, OraDBType; if OraDBType=0 then ContainerName := null; end if; exception when others then ContainerID := -1; ContainerName := null; OraDBType := 0; end; if OraDBType=2 then -- -- If this is a pluggable db, then check for application container or application pluggable. -- If user does not have the SELECT privilege on V$CONTAINERS, then we could be connected to -- and application PDB (or root) and not know it. begin qry_str := 'select application_root as app_root, application_pdb as app_pdb from v$containers where name = sys_context(''USERENV'', ''CON_NAME'')'; execute immediate qry_str into AppRoot, AppPDB; if AppRoot = 'YES' then OraDBType := 3; elsif AppPDB = 'YES' then OraDBType := 4; end if; exception when others then null; end; end if; begin execute immediate 'declare nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NUMBER; begin null; end;'; max_ident_name_len := 128; exception when others then max_ident_name_len := 30; end; -- -- Get Shard Link begin qry_str := 'select db_link from all_db_links where host like ''%GDS_CATALOG%'' and db_link like ''ORA%@ORA_MULTI_TARGET'''; execute immediate qry_str into ShardLink; exception when others then ShardLink := null; end; -- -- Get Shard ID begin qry_str := 'select ORA_SHARD_ID from dual'; execute immediate qry_str into ShardID; exception when others then ShardID := null; end; -- -- Get Shard Director begin qry_str := 'SELECT HOSTNAME FROM GSMADMIN_INTERNAL.GSM'; execute immediate qry_str into ShardDirector; exception when others then ShardDirector := null; end; -- -- determine if utPLSQL is installed utplsql_ver := NULL; BEGIN -- Fetch version using the public API EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT SUBSTR (ut.version (), 1, 60) FROM DUAL' INTO utplsql_ver; EXCEPTION -- Attempt direct access on ORA-06598 WHEN e_inherit_privs THEN BEGIN qry_str := 'SELECT do.owner FROM sys.all_objects do JOIN sys.all_synonyms ds ON (do.owner = ds.table_owner) AND (do.object_name = ds.table_name) WHERE ds.owner = ''PUBLIC'' AND ds.table_name = ''UT'' AND ds.synonym_name = ''UT'' AND do.object_type = ''PACKAGE'''; qry_str := check_for_dba(qry_str); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE qry_str INTO utplsql_own; qry_str := 'begin :utplsql_ver := ' || utplsql_own || '.ut_utils.gc_version; end;'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE qry_str USING OUT utplsql_ver; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN utplsql_ver := SQLCODE; END; WHEN OTHERS THEN utplsql_ver := SQLCODE; END; -- -- Done with SQL. Assign results to output variables :OUT_DEBUG_CONNECT_SESSION := debug_connect_session; :OUT_ALTER_ANY_TABLE := alter_any_table; :OUT_ALTER_SESSION := alter_session; :OUT_ALTER_SYSTEM := alter_system; :OUT_ALTER_DATABASE := alter_database; :OUT_ALTER_USER := alter_user; :OUT_CREATE_TABLE := create_table; :OUT_CREATE_ROLE := create_role; :OUT_CREATE_TRIGGER := create_trigger; :OUT_CREATE_SEQUENCE := create_sequence; :OUT_ADMIN_DB_TRIGGER := administer_database_trigger; :OUT_ADMIN_RS_MAN := administer_resource_manager; :OUT_EXECUTE_ANY_PROCEDURE := execute_any_procedure; :OUT_CREATE_ANY_INDEX := create_any_index; :OUT_CREATE_ANY_SEQUENCE := create_any_sequence; :OUT_CREATE_ANY_TABLE := create_any_table; :OUT_CREATE_ANY_TRIGGER := create_any_trigger; :OUT_DROP_ANY_SEQUENCE := drop_any_sequence; :OUT_DEBUG_ANY_PROCEDURE := debug_any_procedure; :OUT_SELECT_ANY_TABLE := select_any_table; :OUT_DELETE_ANY_TABLE := delete_any_table; :OUT_INSERT_ANY_TABLE := insert_any_table; :OUT_UPDATE_ANY_TABLE := update_any_table; :OUT_GRANT_ANY_OBJECT_PRIV := grant_any_object_priv; :OUT_GRANT_ANY_ROLE := grant_any_role; :OUT_GRANT_ANY_PRIVILEGE := grant_any_privilege; :OUT_SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY := select_any_dictionary; :OUT_CREATE_PUBLIC_SYN := create_public_syn; :OUT_SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE := select_catalog_role; :OUT_DB_CHARSET := db_charset; :OUT_USER := user; :OUT_OSUSERNAME := OS_USERNAME; :OUT_COMPATIBLE_VERSION := compatible_version; :OUT_SID := sid; :OUT_UTPLSQL_VER := utplsql_ver; :OUT_HAS_DBMS_JAVA := has_dbms_java; :OUT_HAS_DBMS_DEBUG := has_dbms_debug; :OUT_LOCAL_TRANS_ID := local_trans_id; :OUT_QU_VERSION_OWNER := qu_version_owner; :OUT_QU_VERSION_MAJOR := CTRepositoryVersionMajor; :OUT_QU_VERSION_MINOR := CTRepositoryVersionMinor; :OUT_QU_VERSION_REVISION := CTRepositoryVersionRevision; :OUT_QU_VERSION_BUILD := CTRepositoryVersionBuild; :OUT_INSTANCE_ID := instance_id; :OUT_INSTANCE_NAME := instance_name; :OUT_SERVER_NAME := server_name; :OUT_DBID := dbid; :OUT_DBName := dbname; :OUT_RADIX := radix; :OUT_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE := authentication_type; :OUT_IS_AMAZON_RDS := AmazonRDSPackage; :OUT_DB_TYPE := OraDBType; :OUT_CONTAINER_ID := ContainerID; :OUT_CONTAINER_NAME := ContainerName; :OUT_MAX_STRING_SIZE := MaxStringSize; :OUT_MAX_IDENT_NAME_LEN := max_ident_name_len; :OUT_SHARD_LINK := ShardLink; :OUT_SHARD_ID := ShardID; :OUT_SHARD_DIRECTOR := ShardDirector; end; :IN_MDL(VARCHAR[15],IN)='TOAD' :IN_ID(VARCHAR[28],IN)='45050896,407100000,392868864' :OUT_IS_RAC(INTEGER,OUT)=0 :OUT_DEBUG_CONNECT_SESSION(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ALTER_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ALTER_SESSION(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ALTER_SYSTEM(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ALTER_DATABASE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ALTER_USER(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_ROLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_TRIGGER(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_SEQUENCE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ADMIN_DB_TRIGGER(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_ADMIN_RS_MAN(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_EXECUTE_ANY_PROCEDURE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_ANY_INDEX(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_ANY_SEQUENCE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_ANY_TRIGGER(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_DROP_ANY_SEQUENCE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_DEBUG_ANY_PROCEDURE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_SELECT_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_DELETE_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_INSERT_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_UPDATE_ANY_TABLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_GRANT_ANY_OBJECT_PRIV(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_GRANT_ANY_ROLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_GRANT_ANY_PRIVILEGE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_SELECT_ANY_DICTIONARY(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_CREATE_PUBLIC_SYN(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_DB_CHARSET(VARCHAR[12],OUT)='WE8MSWIN1252' :OUT_USER(VARCHAR[6],OUT)='SYSTEM' :OUT_OSUSERNAME(VARCHAR[10],OUT)='pittoadmon' :OUT_COMPATIBLE_VERSION(VARCHAR[10],OUT)='' :OUT_SID(VARCHAR[3],OUT)='413' :OUT_UTPLSQL_VER(VARCHAR[4],OUT)='-904' :OUT_HAS_DBMS_JAVA(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_HAS_DBMS_DEBUG(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_LOCAL_TRANS_ID(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= :OUT_QU_VERSION_OWNER(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= :OUT_QU_VERSION_MAJOR(INTEGER,OUT)=-1 :OUT_QU_VERSION_MINOR(INTEGER,OUT)=-1 :OUT_QU_VERSION_REVISION(INTEGER,OUT)=-1 :OUT_QU_VERSION_BUILD(INTEGER,OUT)=-1 :OUT_INSTANCE_ID(INTEGER,OUT)=1 :OUT_INSTANCE_NAME(VARCHAR[8],OUT)='cpgisgeo' :OUT_SERVER_NAME(VARCHAR[5],OUT)='ovm6p' :OUT_DBID(VARCHAR[10],OUT)='4267966288' :OUT_DBName(VARCHAR[8],OUT)='CPGISGEO' :OUT_RADIX(VARCHAR[1],OUT)='.' :OUT_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE(VARCHAR[5],OUT)='LOCAL' :OUT_IS_AMAZON_RDS(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= :OUT_DB_TYPE(INTEGER,OUT)=2 :OUT_CONTAINER_ID(INTEGER,OUT)=3 :OUT_CONTAINER_NAME(VARCHAR[7],OUT)='PGISGEO' :OUT_MAX_STRING_SIZE(VARCHAR[8],OUT)='STANDARD' :OUT_MAX_IDENT_NAME_LEN(INTEGER,OUT)=128 :OUT_SHARD_LINK(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= :OUT_SHARD_ID(INTEGER,OUT)= :OUT_SHARD_DIRECTOR(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:31.537 BEGIN SYS.DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(:IN_MDL, :IN_ID); END; :IN_MDL(VARCHAR[15],)='TOAD' :IN_ID(VARCHAR[28],)='45050896,407100000,392868864' ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:31.724 Select username from sys.DBA_USERS order by username; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.396 Select synonym_name, table_owner, table_name from sys.dba_synonyms where owner = 'PUBLIC' and synonym_name in ('QUEST_TEAM_CODING', 'DELL_COM_TEAM_CODING', 'QUEST_COM_TEAM_CODING', 'SQLNAV4_VCS_CONFIG'); ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.537 select 1 from v$cell where rownum = 1; ---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.599 Connect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.662 begin sys.dbms_application_info.set_module('TOAD background query session', '45050896,407100000,392871072'); end; ---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.662 Connect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.787 SELECT * from DUAL; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.787 select * from v$parameter order by name; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.833 select object_name nam, Decode(object_type, 'TABLE', 1, 'VIEW', 2, 3) typ from sys.user_objects where object_type in ('TABLE','PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'FUNCTION') order by nam asc; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.974 Rollback: ---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.974 Disconnect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:32.990 Select tablespace_name, max_file_size_mb total_mb, free_mb_in_max free_mb, max_file_size_pct_free percent_empty from (select files.tablespace_name, round(files.current_bytes / 1048576) current_file_size_in_mb, round((files.current_bytes - free.free_bytes) / 1048576) used_mb, round(free.free_bytes/ 1048576) free_mb_in_current, round(100 * nvl(free.free_bytes, 0) / files.current_bytes, 1) current_file_size_pct_free, round(files.max_bytes / 1048576) max_file_size_mb, round((files.max_bytes - (files.current_bytes - nvl(free.free_bytes, 0))) / 1048576) free_mb_in_max, round(100 * (files.max_bytes - (files.current_bytes - nvl(free.free_bytes, 0))) / files.max_bytes, 1) max_file_size_pct_free from (select tablespace_name, sum(current_bytes) current_bytes, sum(max_bytes) max_bytes from (Select df.tablespace_name, df.bytes current_bytes, decode(df.autoextensible, 'YES', df.maxbytes, 'NO', df.bytes) max_bytes from dba_data_files df where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM')) group by tablespace_name) files, (Select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM') group by tablespace_name) free where free.tablespace_name (+) = files.tablespace_name) where max_file_size_pct_free < 10; ---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:33.083 Disconnect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:33.099 select 'x' from dual; ---------------------------------- -- Session: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD -- Timestamp: 14:51:33.099 begin :id := sys.dbms_transaction.local_transaction_id; end; :id(VARCHAR[0],OUT)= ---------------------------------- -- Timestamp: 14:51:33.255 Disconnect: SYSTEM@PGISGEO.WORLD