---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:16.315 Select owner, object_name, object_type from sys.ALL_OBJECTS where object_name = :obj and object_type not like '%PARTITION%' and object_type <> 'UNDEFINED' and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all Select owner, constraint_name as object_name, 'CONSTRAINT' as object_type from sys.ALL_CONSTRAINTS where constraint_name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' order by 3; -- Elapsed Time: 0 seconds -- Rows fetched: 0 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:16.331 select owner, index_name object_name, 'INDEX' object_type from sys.all_indexes where index_name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all select owner, name object_name, 'QUEUE' object_type from sys.all_queues where name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all select owner, trigger_name object_name, 'TRIGGER' object_type from sys.all_triggers where trigger_name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all select owner, queue_table object_name, 'QUEUE TABLE' object_type from sys.all_queue_tables where queue_table = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all select owner, mview_name object_name, 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' object_type from sys.all_mviews where mview_name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' union all select owner, synonym_name object_name, 'SYNONYM' object_type from sys.all_synonyms where synonym_name = :obj and owner = 'P_TRADE' order by 3; -- Elapsed Time: 0 seconds -- Rows fetched: 0 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:16.347 Select user as owner, object_name, object_type from sys.user_objects where object_name = :obj and object_type not like '%PARTITION%' and object_type <> 'UNDEFINED' union all Select owner, constraint_name as object_name, 'CONSTRAINT' as object_type from sys.user_constraints where owner = :own and constraint_name = :obj order by 3; -- Elapsed Time: 0 seconds -- Rows fetched: 2 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:16.347 Select last_ddl_time FROM sys.USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' AND object_name = 'P_TRADE'; -- Elapsed Time: 0.015 seconds -- Rows fetched: 1 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:16.362 Select created, last_ddl_time, object_id, status from sys.user_objects where object_name = 'P_TRADE' and object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'; -- Elapsed Time: 0.005 seconds -- Rows fetched: 1 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:17.202 Select TEXT from SYS.USER_SOURCE where NAME=:name and TYPE=:type order by LINE; -- Elapsed Time: 0.03 seconds -- Rows fetched: 500 (more rows exist) ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:31:17.371 Select last_ddl_time FROM sys.USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' AND object_name = 'P_TRADE'; -- Elapsed Time: 0 seconds -- Rows fetched: 1 ---------------------------------- -- Session: FX_SHANKAR_A@DEV11G -- Timestamp: 08:33:40.899 Select created, last_ddl_time, object_id, status from sys.user_objects where object_name = 'P_TRADE' and object_type = 'PACKAGE BODY'; -- Elapsed Time: 0 seconds -- Rows fetched: 1