Add Schema Name to output file

Hi there,

When using "Split Output File" option during DDL Generation, we want to have the Schema Name as part of the file name. This way, if we have the same table names in different schemas, toad won`t overwrite the DDLs.

Is it possible via script? If so, where? I tried changing the Generator script, but no luck so far.

Thanks in advance.

Hi danilopassos,

currently you can use "rename" option or you can select schema and then generate.

We thank you for a good idea, we will deal with this (default fullname).
You can watch in release notes [TMB-1412].


Petr. Thank you for the prompt answer!.

If i may suggest two more things:

  • Add the "Grants section" to the output file instead of the Other.sql. So when you split by file, the SQL is a single entity that i can reference.
    ** I was able to do it by just changing the TXG files, but it would be nice if it was an out of the box solution.

  • Add possibility to output to folders per Object Type when splitting files. Right now, I get an output with a lot of SQLs files which i don`t know if they are tables, seqs, schemas, etc. If i want to output per object type (and schema), i need to create multiple setups of export and save those.
    ** It would be really nice if the generated sql goes to a Schema folder, a Table folder, so on so forth accordingly.