Adding days to a date in MySql Transform Cleanse step

What should be a very simple thing to do in Toad Workbook is totally not.

I have a date field in my Transform Cleanse step - I've tried ADD_DAYS(), ADDDATE(), and nothing is working.

There is a built-in function for AddMonths that works, but mysteriously nothing for adding days.

Anybody know a MySQL workaround?


Hi Eric
I'll take a look into this and get back to you as soon as possible.

I found a potential workaround that might help in your workflow. Try using:

DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(date_column, INTERVAL 1 DAY), '%m/%d/%Y %r')

Hope this helps!

Thanks, but unfortunately this does not work in Toad Workbook:

Please try without including the square brackets and check the Use SQL transforms checkbox:

Sorry, still not working

One possible reason why my test results differ from yours could be the choice of connection.
I'm using a MySQL native connection with a server running version 8.0.12