Automation Set Variable Build Expression Documentation

Hi, I am trying to find documentation for the syntax used in the expression builder of the set variable activity in the automation tab of TDA.

I have two issues. I am trying to derive a date in the MMYY fomat that is three months ago from the current date. I can get it to work by using the following, but I need a way to pull the MM format of the month or pad the string that I’m pulling.
LEFT(FormatDateTime(DateAdd(“m”,-3,Now),vbshortdate),1) & Right(FormatDateTime(DateAdd(“m”,-3,Now),vbshortdate),2) pulls 610

The second issue I have is that when I hardcode the variable to 0610 and then use it in a find and replace activity TDA is truncating the 0 and replacing the text as 610 which then breaks my sql.

Please help.


I found a way to handle this, and am posting my solution in case someone else finds it useful.

For the first part of the question

I am trying to derive a date in the MMYY fomat that is three months ago from the current date. I can get it to work by using the following, but I need a way to pull the MM format of the month or pad the string that I’m pulling.
LEFT(FormatDateTime(DateAdd(“m”,-3,Now),vbshortdate),1) & Right(FormatDateTime(DateAdd(“m”,-3,Now),vbshortdate),2) pulls 610

I used the following expression:
Right(“00” & Month(Date) - 3, 2) & Right(Year(DateAdd(“m”, -3, Now)),2)

For the second part of my question:
The second issue I have is that when I hardcode the variable to 0610 and then use it in a find and replace activity TDA is truncating the 0 and replacing the text as 610 which then breaks my sql.

I had to pass the variable as a string so either use Cstr or since my function actually converted my date to a string the automation script now passed the 0610 value that I wanted.


Sorry I didn’t respond earlier (busy day )

The variable expressions are is VB Script as you found out.

The leading zero issue should be fixed in the 2.7 code. Casting to string is the correct work around.
