Beta Released (


Beta Notes

Internal Bug Fixes

This beta loads very slowly when import production settings before import dev connections. I had to walk abound the office, approximately 20 minutes while TOAD was loading connections.

![image|605x355](upload://hpgrt1EhH8a5zDHRyTOdV1e0qc2.jpeg) ```


Something got messed up with your image formatting.

Was the slowness during startup or did you import your connections afterwards?

Good Afternoon Mike,

The slowness was only the one time, a restart after import production settings before I restored dev connections, which, BTW, did not restore
the saved passwords.

Larry Wickliffe

Monitoring, Performance and Tuning Services Lead, Data and Business Intelligence Services (DABIS)

Office of Information Systems and Technology

Employment and Training Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

202-693-3485 Office - forwarded to cell

Telework Day: Thursday

Hello Larry,

Somewhere around two months ago we made some changes with how connections are loaded and saved into Toad which requires the connections to be converted the first time they’re loaded from a previous version before the changes. This should only be required once though; how many connections were you importing?

What version of Toad were the existing connections created in and passwords saved with?

Were the connections initially saved on a different computer or the same one the beta is on?

Good Morning Mike,

 This below steps are from the same VM, the export file is from my laptop.
  1. Exported my beta connections from the latest TOAD beta;

  2. Imported production settings from TOAD 13.1,

  3. Had the slow startup,;

  4. Imported the beta connections (pretended to succeed) but it failed to load saved passwords

    I have 93 saved connections, but only care about the the most recently used 10.


Morning Larry,

Did you already have the same connections in your login window from your production settings before importing the beta connections? Toad won’t overwrite the existing connections if they’re the same (even if the passwords are different).

Good Morning Mike,

Since my VM is in a different (dev) domain with different user account, all passwords are lost when importing production settings. I see all
the accounts I’ve used but none have passwords. In earlier beta versions importing the connections (I save them immediately before production import) from before import restores the passwords in dev.

Larry Wickliffe

Monitoring, Performance and Tuning Services Lead, Data and Business Intelligence Services (DABIS)

Office of Information Systems and Technology

Employment and Training Administration

U.S. Department of Labor

202-693-3485 Office - forwarded to cell

Telework Day: Thursday

Hello Larry,

I just tried using these steps so hopefully they'll work for you as well.

Ensure that your most recent beta (with your desired connections and passwords) has Save passwords checked in the Login window. Next, click Export at the top of the window.

This should bring up the relatively new Export Connections dialog. Check Include encrypted passwords and include a "master" password. This will encrypt your connections with this password so don't forget it! :slight_smile: When finished click Export.


Now that your connections (and passwords) have been saved off from the beta you should be able to import your previous (13.1) settings. Once finished importing open the Login window.

Any connections that were imported from 13.1 that have the same information as your beta connections should be removed since our next step will not overwrite existing connection information. To be safe you can simply remove all of them.

Click Import from the Login window and select your connections that were previously exported with the "master" password. Make sure Include encrypted passwords is checked and enter in your master password you used during export then click Import.

This should hopefully bring your connections (and passwords) in from the previous beta.
