I am new to toad and haven’t mastered this yet
I am trying to query a date & time field to extract all records that fall between a specific time within a range of dates.
for example i would like to see all records created between 17:00 and 07:00 in the date range 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2008.
please help…
What type of database are you connected to? Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL?
The Query Builder has a date range picker that generates the between statement for you for the most common ranges.
Thanks Debbie, but I was looking to call a range of times within a certain range of dates.
i.e. only the records that were created between 17:00 and 06:00 within the date range last full year. The date & time field are the same and not seperate.
That you will need to do through something like below.
Date in 2008
time after 5:00 PM or before 7:00 AM
select * from mytable
where (trunc (mydate) between DATE ‘2008-01-01’ and DATE ‘2008-12-31’)
and (to_number (to_char (my_date, ‘HH24MI’)) >= 1700
or to_number (to_char (my_date, 'HH24MI'))