Bug - Package spec/body is writable if checkout fails

I would like to report the following bug:

I’m using SQL Navigator and Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Development Edition - using the TFS source control. When I check out a package that is already checked out by someone else I get an error message in Navigator output:

CheckOut of XXX.PLS failed: Error in SCC: Microsoft Team Foundation Server MSSCCI Provider (while attempting to check out revision of file ‘FAFNIR.ENDURSKODUN.PLS’ from project ‘$/XXX/’): SCC Error: File Out Exclusive

Which is good. However the package becomes writeable! Please fix. I would also like to point to this thread: http://sqlnavigator.inside.quest.com/thread.jspa?messageID=101480 this has not been fixed in navigator 6.4 and the workaround suggested in the thread is unacceptable.

Hi Bjarki,

Thank you for your note.

We have not been able to get this issue fixed yet for the next v6.5 release). We will add your note to the existing CR and will try to have the target in 6.6.

Thanks and regards,

Note: The check out button is disabled if I open a package that is checked out by someone else and I haven’t opened the package in question since last sqlnav restart. However if I open a package, close it, then someone else checks it out and I open it again without restarting sqlnav the check out button is not disabled. It seems to me that SQL nav is not refreshing the source control status often so this is related to the previous issue I pointed out.