Can I create a variable in TOAD/SQL to prompt for a date(s)?


I’m using TOAD to query the Oracle database. My better expertise is in I have very little SQL experience.

My question: Can I create a variable in TOAD/SQL to prompt for a date(s)? Here is what I want to do:

Question 1: Enter Beginning Date (user to enter date value that looks like this: 01/01/2015)
Question 2: Enter Ending Date (user to enter ending date value, i.e. 04/30/2015)

I then will need to create two further variables based on these first two to represent the prior years dates (i.e 01/01/2014 and 04/30/2014). I would know how to do this in Unfortunately I’m not sure about PL/SQL (or whatever it is that TOAD uses). Can you teach me how to do this?

Thanks for your assistance.


While writing SQL anything preceded with a : is deemed as a variable in Toad.

For example SELECT * FROM employee WHERE department = :v_department

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    From: hrishi14 []

Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 2:18 AM


Subject: [Code Tester for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Can I create a variable in TOAD/SQL to prompt for a date(s)?

Can I create a variable in TOAD/SQL to prompt for a date(s)?

Thread created by hrishi14


I’m using TOAD to query the Oracle database. My better expertise is in I have very little SQL experience.

My question: Can I create a variable in TOAD/SQL to prompt for a date(s)? Here is what I want to do:

Question 1: Enter Beginning Date (user to enter date value that looks like this: 01/01/2015)

Question 2: Enter Ending Date (user to enter ending date value, i.e. 04/30/2015)

I then will need to create two further variables based on these first two to represent the prior years dates (i.e 01/01/2014 and 04/30/2014). I would know how to do this in Unfortunately I’m not sure about PL/SQL (or whatever it is that TOAD uses). Can you teach me how to do this?

Thanks for your assistance.


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‘&variable_name’ i.e. ‘&date1’ ‘&date2’ should prompt for input.

This has nothing to do with Toad as Toad us just an I.D.E.

It has everything to do with Oracle sql, *sqlplus, PL/Sql.

Hope this helps