ctrl-b and shift-ctrl-b act differently in SB table filter window than in Editor

A single ctrl-b comments line as expected. A 2nd ctrl-b uncomments the line.

Shift-ctrl-b does nothing unless text is selected, in which case it encloses the text in /* */. You have to reselect the text to include the newly added */ in order for a 2nd shift-ctrl-b to undo the commenting (or obviously use Undo or manual delete them).

It would be nice if the Table Filter window was consistent with the Editor behavior or vice versa. I find the Table Filter behavior rather slick - ctrl-b once -> comment, ctrl-b again -> uncomment - though I don’t use the /**/ comments very often.

I find the Table Filter behavior rather slick

This is intuitive to me as well and it's how Delphi works. I always stumble in Toad to do the same. At any rate, the behavior has been this way in Toad for so long I've fixed it so that edit controls across Toad should all function the same where Ctrl+B applies comment and Shift+Ctrl+B removes it.

Fixed for next beta.

On 12/16/2015 10:30 AM, droeschley_109 wrote:

ctrl-b and shift-ctrl-b act differently in SB table filter window than in Editor

Thread created by droeschley_109
A single ctrl-b comments line as expected. A 2nd ctrl-b uncomments the line.

Shift-ctrl-b does nothing unless text is selected, in which case it encloses the text in /* */. You have to reselect the text to include the newly added */ in order for a 2nd shift-ctrl-b to undo the commenting (or obviously use Undo or manual delete them).

It would be nice if the Table Filter window was consistent with the Editor behavior or vice versa. I find the Table Filter behavior rather slick - ctrl-b once -> comment, ctrl-b again -> uncomment - though I don't use the /**/ comments very often.

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