Unfortunately a few expression lists have no arrangement options yet. Within a
couple of weeks the Toad beta will feature a reviewed formatter options
interface which will also include options for those lists. That would then meet
your request.
If the formatter options for an IN LIST is settable, I haven’t been able to find it. The ‘Oracle Formatter Options’ List Arrangement screens need some explanatory text. For example, the List Arrangement options aren’t described anywhere that I’ve been able to find , so trial and error is the only way to make sense of them, and they still don’t make sense. ‘Wrapped’, ‘Stacked on more than…’, ‘Stacked on overflow or more than’, ‘Tabular’, ‘Column adjusted Tabular’, ‘Wrapped only when no folded Items’. I’m sure those options make sense to the person or team that wrote the formatter, but they are not obvious to me. I have been using Toad for years, and I have never found the formatter useful enough to use. A long IN LIST winds up spread out over pages, one item per line. I periodically give it another go but always abandon the effort after being unable to make it do what I want it to do.