How To Import a Power Designer model into Toad Modeler


in process monitor I can see process TDM.exe reading these regkeys. Whatever process in your program does this.
If I google the regkey multiple results occur, but not a single case that matches mine, nor one that suggest to re-install os. And why should I do so? Everything runs fast and fine except TDM… We won’t reinstall anyway, but put a blank image on the machine. It would take me days to have my machine configured as it is now!

I won’t even thing about the hours I spent tracing and reproducing the access violations…

Perhaps we should think about finding another data modelling application …


Hi Stefan,

we try to do what’s possible. Please let us know what action evokes reading the registry keys. Without such information our possibilities to help you are limited.

I understand that you do not welcome possibility to reinstall OS. Next week we will try to do additional investigation. Also, Eureka Log from your co-worker would be helpful.

Regarding google resutls: you cannot find any similar post on google related to TDM. This is the very first issue we registered and never heard about similar problems from any other user. As I wrote you, we develop TDM on Win 7 64bit machines. If the problem with registry keys was common, I think we would already work on a solution.



Message was edited by: vaclav

Hi Vaclav,

it’s me again :slight_smile: … Se attached the Eureka Log of my colleague. If you need further information please contact me.

TDM.elf (146 KB)

Hi Stefan,

thank you. We will look into the matter.


Hi Stefan,

thank you very much for the EurekaLog. It helped a lot because we found it was a bug and it has been already fixed and will be implemented in the next Beta release!


Lukas + R&D Team

Hi Quest Team,

thanks for the information. When will this update be released? Is there any progress in our other issue concerning script generation as Vaclav mentioned any further investigation? Can I help in any way? Isn’t there a possibilitiy to enable a kind of debug logging in TDM?


Hi Stefan,

The new Beta is coming out by the end of this week, most probably Thursday.
And concerning the other issue, I will find out from Vaclav about the current situation and will update you.
Will try to push further, if I can. Thanks for all your effort! Users like you help us a lot in making leaps forward, not just steps.

