select distinct c.cus_no, c.CU01L, a.ACCT_NO, ck.POS_DRS_CURR
from ck, acct a, cust c
and c.PRI_DC_REL >0
and a.serv = ‘DC’
and a.status =‘ACT’;
and result set
Cus# acct pos_dr_curr
23 xxxx 23
23 xxxx 48
28 xxx 17
34 xxxxx 14
here is my query:
where c.cus_no = ck.cus_no and c.cus_no = a.cus_noand ck.pos_drs_curr >= ‘1’
What im trying to do is sum the pos_dr_curr (23 and 48) and get one result (71) for the customer number 23. When i add the sum function in the select it gives me an error saying not a single group function. I been playing around with it and couldnt figure it out as of yet. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
The result set i would like to get is:
23 xxxxxxxxxxx 71
28 xxxxxxxxx 17
34 xxxxxx 14
and so on…
Message was edited by: oercan_859
Message was edited by: oercan_859