I have a sql report that runs just fine in sqlplus from my client. But when I run it in Toad it does not produce the html format as expected:
title center '<b><big> Inactive User Report ' skip 2
column department_name format a20 heading "Department"
column last_name format a30 heading "Last Name"
column first_name format a20 heading "First Name"
column salary format 9999999 heading "Salary"
set markup html on spool on entmap off
spool l2k_user_rpt.html
<my query>
spool off
I've tried executing it 3 ways in toad ... as a script (F5), from script runner , and the execute via SQLPLus. None of these work properly. Either they produce no output or they don't produce html output. Is this a Toad limitation or is there a way to get this to work in Toad?