PG 11: Serial doesn't migrate correctly to child

I found a very old post about serial not migrating correctly in PG 8.2. Perhaps there has been a regression, because TDM crashes when I attempt to establish a FK on a child table that would migrate a serial key. The screenshot is what happened after drawing the relationship line.

Setup: Mac Catalina, Parallels 15, Windows 10.

Hello Andrew,

yes, this is known bug in TDM 7.1 and was fixed in TDM 7.2, see release notes:

Resolved Issue Issue ID
Fixed: Migrating Attribute with Serial data type to a child table throws an error 2395

Feel free to upgrade to newer version.

Best regards,


Thank you. Is the the best place to submit possible bug reports and workaround requests? [I'm a returning customer who started with Case Studio and left DB development job somewhere around TDM 3.]

You have multiple options, where to report bug:

Best regards
