Query Builder

Looking for more takers to provide our developers feedback. No need to reply if
you don’t use it - we’ll assume silence means that. : )

For those on the Toad board - the Query Builder is undergoing a complete rewrite
and we’re looking for users to hammer on it. Right now there’s very little
feedback to guide us on it and we don’t want to miss the mark (“we” being our
developers in the Czech Republic who have taken it over along with Code Road Map
and ERD).

So if you use the Query Builder heavily we invite you to join the Toad Beta
program and see the new one and participate in the development of it.

We know everyone has full time jobs and doing beta testing for us is not your
job. But we also know how selfless so many of you are in helping to create this
product, which is why Toad is what it is. Your devotion.

thanks so much,

I’ve got two issues to point out with Query Builder. Attached is a DDL file to create my testcase tables, the 2nd file is the query to use.

Imbedded in the query is a single comment. Here’s what I did (in Beta):
Open the query in editor,
r-click - pick “Send to Query Builder”

(as a side issue: Seems to take longer on the initial call (after startup) to paint the screen. )

Seems that the query used is up to the point of the comment. None of the query after the comment is loaded nor processed, giving an inaccurate result. (looks like no joins at all are used in the query). This doesn’t seem to be the case with the 10.5 commercial version of Toad.

2nd issue: it looks like some of the joins are no longer being drawn. Reference the attached PNG files. This is the same query minus the comment (wouldn’t work in the 11 beta). In the 10_5 file, I’ve highlighted the joins that are missing in the 11_1_0_20 file. These joins correspond to where the BETWEEN function is being used.

Overall, I like the cleaner/tighter look of the Query Builder output in the Beta than with the 10.5 version. I’ll be using this tool with my co-worker developers as they try to learn Oracle, SQL, and how to best use Toad as they enhance their skills with Oracle development. This has already proven invaluable in being able to take a complex query and draw the major relationships, giving a visual represenation of how the joins are working.

Quest_QB_1.sql (1.67 KB)

I’ve got two issues to point out with Query Builder. Attached is a DDL file to create my testcase tables, the 2nd file is the query to use.

Imbedded in the query is a single comment. Here’s what I did (in Beta):
Open the query in editor,
r-click - pick “Send to Query Builder”

(as a side issue: Seems to take longer on the initial call (after startup) to paint the screen. )

Seems that the query used is up to the point of the comment. None of the query after the comment is loaded nor processed, giving an inaccurate result. (looks like no joins at all are used in the query). This doesn’t seem to be the case with the 10.5 commercial version of Toad.

2nd issue: it looks like some of the joins are no longer being drawn. Reference the attached PNG files. This is the same query minus the comment (wouldn’t work in the 11 beta). In the 10_5 file, I’ve highlighted the joins that are missing in the 11_1_0_20 file. These joins correspond to where the BETWEEN function is being used.

Overall, I like the cleaner/tighter look of the Query Builder output in the Beta than with the 10.5 version. I’ll be using this tool with my co-worker developers as they try to learn Oracle, SQL, and how to best use Toad as they enhance their skills with Oracle development. This has already proven invaluable in being able to take a complex query and draw the major relationships, giving a visual represenation of how the joins are working.

Quest_QB_DDL.sql (2.77 KB)

I've got two issues to point out with Query Builder. Attached is a DDL file to create my testcase tables, the 2nd file is the query to use.

Imbedded in the query is a single comment. Here's what I did (in Beta):
Open the query in editor,
r-click - pick "Send to Query Builder"

(as a side issue: Seems to take longer on the initial call (after startup) to paint the screen. )

Seems that the query used is up to the point of the comment. None of the query after the comment is loaded nor processed, giving an inaccurate result. (looks like no joins at all are used in the query). This doesn't seem to be the case with the 10.5 commercial version of Toad.

2nd issue: it looks like some of the joins are no longer being drawn. Reference the attached PNG files. This is the same query minus the comment (wouldn't work in the 11 beta). In the 10_5 file, I've highlighted the joins that are missing in the 11_1_0_20 file. These joins correspond to where the BETWEEN function is being used.

Overall, I like the cleaner/tighter look of the Query Builder output in the Beta than with the 10.5 version. I'll be using this tool with my co-worker developers as they try to learn Oracle, SQL, and how to best use Toad as they enhance their skills with Oracle development. This has already proven invaluable in being able to take a complex query and draw the major relationships, giving a visual represenation of how the joins are working.


I've got two issues to point out with Query Builder. Attached is a DDL file to create my testcase tables, the 2nd file is the query to use.

Imbedded in the query is a single comment. Here's what I did (in Beta):
Open the query in editor,
r-click - pick "Send to Query Builder"

(as a side issue: Seems to take longer on the initial call (after startup) to paint the screen. )

Seems that the query used is up to the point of the comment. None of the query after the comment is loaded nor processed, giving an inaccurate result. (looks like no joins at all are used in the query). This doesn't seem to be the case with the 10.5 commercial version of Toad.

2nd issue: it looks like some of the joins are no longer being drawn. Reference the attached PNG files. This is the same query minus the comment (wouldn't work in the 11 beta). In the 10_5 file, I've highlighted the joins that are missing in the 11_1_0_20 file. These joins correspond to where the BETWEEN function is being used.

Overall, I like the cleaner/tighter look of the Query Builder output in the Beta than with the 10.5 version. I'll be using this tool with my co-worker developers as they try to learn Oracle, SQL, and how to best use Toad as they enhance their skills with Oracle development. This has already proven invaluable in being able to take a complex query and draw the major relationships, giving a visual represenation of how the joins are working.
