I have Case Studio2 and I need change FK name to: FK_ChildAttributeRoleName_ParentAttributeRoleName
All relation is non identifying and between two tables may be more relations.
But I don`t know way to get Child.RoleName when I know Relation.
ParentEntity = Model.GetEntity( Relation.ParentEntityId );
for (i=0; i<ParentEntity.CountAttributes; i++)
if (ParentEntity.Attributes(i).PK)
Attribute = ParentEntity.Attributes( i );
parentRoleName = Attribute.RoleName;
I read many ways in TDM byt nothing work in CS2 .
thanks for answer.
For PK I`ll now use Name instead RoleName.
But for FK I have still problem. I have entities where is more FK. How I identify where relation is it?