Toad freeware download

Hi, I have been trying to download the freeware for oracle but the page says "This page isn't available in your current location. Thanks for your continued interest".

I have contacted the support chat and the helper says it is not caused by my location. Has anyone ever had the same problem? How can I fix this?

What is your location?

Also, Toad for Oracle no longer has freeware. There is only the Trial version which is fully functional for a time and then it expires.


John showed me how to view your location in the admin tools.

To my knowledge your country should not be blocked. I would reach out to Sales. There is at least one country that is not on the official list of US embargoed countries that we block at the website, requiring those users to obtain trial software via sales. Reach out to them and see what they say. Fill out this "Request Pricing" form and when contacted tell them what you're trying to do. Toad for Oracle | Contact Sales

HI, I tried to fill out "Request Pricing" with my gmail, but it says it is invalid business email. Is gmail not accepted?

I guess not. If you have a non-gmail account you can try that. I'll forward this thread on to someone else who may be able to assist better. I have no control over the site pages.

Hi @minseopchoi96 - what is your location? And just to confirm you are trying to download Toad for Oracle trial from here - Toad for Oracle Subscription | Free Trial

Hi Julie. I am located in Republic of Korea. I don't see any reason to be blocked from downloading the materials.

And yes, I am trying to download Toad for Oracle trial from that link.

This is what I see.

@minseopchoi96 - I was able to confirm that we are blocking your area but if you DM me your email I will share a copy with you directly and also get your info in front of the right sales person. Sorry for the inconvenience!!