Toad Training - Online lesson 1 and lesson 2

Anyone else having issues with the online lessons? In Lesson 1 I found that the actual Lesson wouldn’t play unless I always allowed pop-ups for the site. Selecting allow once wasn’t enough. Same was true of Lesson 2, but Lesson 3 would start okay, so go figure. Now I’m at the quiz for Lesson 2 and it doesn’t seem to matter what choice I select for the answer all are wrong - so I can’t complete the quiz. :slight_smile: I’m definitely okay with skipping the quiz, but just wondering if it’s “Just ME”? Lastly is a comment/question. Having completed Lessons 1 and 2 I think they are backwards. I think Lesson 1 is more helpful if you’ve already taken Lesson 2. And that is my 2 cents.
