Using a rowcount in an execute SQL

Hi there
I have a simple SQL statement built that inserts 'n' number of rows in an automation script.
I then have a simple SQL statement that enters some logging information.
In the Logging table, I have a column with comments where I would like to insert the number of rows inserted from the first piece of automation.

in the insert script, I have a row count variable 'rc1' which does work as have used in this in an IF statement.
In my test example, I know I only have 29 rows, so the row count variable = 29.
How can I use this 'rc1' in my next Execute script as comments into a column?



Just managed to work this out by simple trial and error
I simply added this in my insert script

'#rc1# rows inserted' AS COMMENTS,

the '#rc1#' rowcount variable added the value (29) into the column plus my comments too

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