[] CVS sticky Tag [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from saraseb saraseb included below]


Why TOAD Team Coding with CVS Source Control set a Sticky Tag on some files?

(See the Attached image file)


Attachment(s) from saraseb saraseb

1 of 1 Photo(s)

d-color: white;">snap.jpg

“text-decoration: none;” href=“http://groups.yahoo.com/group/toad/attachments/folder/2040294641/item/676121823/view” title=“snap.jpg”>snap.jpg


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Hi Seb,

CVS is not something I’m very familiar with - I can use it to check in,
out and that’s about it. However, from my document on CVS, I found this:

4.9 Sticky tags

Sometimes a working copy’s revision has extra data associated with it,
for example it might
be on a branch (see Chapter 5 [Branching and merging], page 41), or
restricted to versions
prior to a certain date by ‘checkout -D’ or ‘update -D’. Because this
data persists - that
is, it applies to subsequent commands in the working copy - we refer to
it as sticky.
Most of the time, stickiness is an obscure aspect of cvs that you don’t
need to think
about. However, even if you don’t want to use the feature, you may need
to know something
about sticky tags (for example, how to avoid them!).

You can use the status command to see if any sticky tags or dates are

$ cvs status driver.c

File: driver.c Status: Up-to-date
Chapter 4: Revisions 39
Version: Sat Dec 5 19:35:03 1992
RCS Version: /u/cvsroot/yoyodyne/tc/driver.c,v
Sticky Tag: rel-1-0-patches (branch: 1.7.2)
Sticky Date: (none)
Sticky Options: (none)

The sticky tags will remain on your working files until you delete them
with ‘cvs update
-A’. The ‘-A’ option merges local changes into the version of the file
from the head of the
trunk, removing any sticky tags, dates, or options (other than sticky
‘-k’ options on locally
modified files). See Section A.17 [update], page 120 for more on the
operation of cvs

The most common use of sticky tags is to identify which branch one is
working on, as
described in Section 5.3 [Accessing branches], page 42. However,
non-branch sticky tags
have uses as well. For example, suppose that you want to avoid updating
your working
directory, to isolate yourself from possibly destabilizing changes other
people are making.
You can, of course, just refrain from running cvs update. But if you
want to avoid updating
only a portion of a larger tree, then sticky tags can help. If you check
out a certain revision
(such as 1.4) it will become sticky. Subsequent cvs update commands will
not retrieve the
latest revision until you reset the tag with cvs update -A. Likewise,
use of the ‘-D’ option
to update or checkout sets a sticky date, which, similarly, causes that
date to be used for
future retrievals.

I don’t know if it helps or not!

Norm. [TeamT]

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for instance im working on a small revision for an apache project
if I update with the main body of code someone would surely have my guts for garters
to avoid that i set the sticky bit on
which means my revision is ‘frozen in time’

svn does not support sticky but you can always update to a designated version

svn update -r3

update to revision 3 only

thanks norm
Martin Gainty

“The ground… was suffering from the effects of recent rain, and once
more the Australians found themselves on a sticky wicket.” – Bells Life in London 1882

To: toad@yahoogroups.com
From: toad@dunbar-it.co.uk
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2009 12:21:59 +0100
Subject: RE: [toad] [] CVS sticky Tag

              Hi Seb,

CVS is not something I’m very familiar with - I can use it to check in,

out and that’s about it. However, from my document on CVS, I found this:

4.9 Sticky tags

Sometimes a working copy’s revision has extra data associated with it,

for example it might

be on a branch (see Chapter 5 [Branching and merging], page 41), or

restricted to versions

prior to a certain date by ‘checkout -D’ or ‘update -D’. Because this

data persists - that

is, it applies to subsequent commands in the working copy - we refer to

it as sticky.

Most of the time, stickiness is an obscure aspect of cvs that you don’t

need to think

about. However, even if you don’t want to use the feature, you may need

to know something

about sticky tags (for example, how to avoid them!).

You can use the status command to see if any sticky tags or dates are


$ cvs status driver.c


File: driver.c Status: Up-to-date

Chapter 4: Revisions 39

Version: Sat Dec 5 19:35:03 1992

RCS Version: /u/cvsroot/yoyodyne/tc/driver.c,v

Sticky Tag: rel-1-0-patches (branch: 1.7.2)

Sticky Date: (none)

Sticky Options: (none)

The sticky tags will remain on your working files until you delete them

with 'cvs update

-A’. The ‘-A’ option merges local changes into the version of the file

from the head of the

trunk, removing any sticky tags, dates, or options (other than sticky

‘-k’ options on locally

modified files). See Section A.17 [update], page 120 for more on the

operation of cvs


The most common use of sticky tags is to identify which branch one is

working on, as

described in Section 5.3 [Accessing branches], page 42. However,

non-branch sticky tags

have uses as well. For example, suppose that you want to avoid updating

your working

directory, to isolate yourself from possibly destabilizing changes other

people are making.

You can, of course, just refrain from running cvs update. But if you

want to avoid updating

only a portion of a larger tree, then sticky tags can help. If you check

out a certain revision

(such as 1.4) it will become sticky. Subsequent cvs update commands will

not retrieve the

latest revision until you reset the tag with cvs update -A. Likewise,

use of the ‘-D’ option

to update or checkout sets a sticky date, which, similarly, causes that

date to be used for

future retrievals.

I don’t know if it helps or not!


Norm. [TeamT]

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