Abe, until this one is resolved if you don’t need script output you can disable it with “set termout off” or spool it to a file. That should eliminate the conditions that cause it.
From: kornelis.abe [mailto:bounce-kornelisabe@toadworld.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 9:38 AM
To: toadoraclebeta@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] Access Violation and subsequent apparent hang
Access Violation and subsequent apparent hang
Thread created by kornelis.abe
I’m still on and I just had another access violation:

After I clicked the OK butten, Toad went into a hang:

Even the time-elapsed counter remains static at 1:01.
After cancelling the script, while closing Toad, I got another (secondary) Access Violation.
Here’s the error log:
Abe Kornelis
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