I just ran into another access vioalation. This time I was running a script using F5.
I loaded the script by dragging it from the project manager window into the editor, then hit F5. As I had to run the script on a whole list of databases, I hit F5 before Toad had finished loading and displaying the script in the editor window.
So it might (just might) be a timing issue.

Again, I have saved full error details.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Kind regards, and have a nice weekend,
Abe Kornelis.
Addendum: on the next database I worked more slowly to avoid the problem, but it recurred.
I have no clue why this happened. Just circumstances: I opened 6 sessions to the same schema in six different databases. Then ran the script and ended the connections one by one. On the fifth compile the error first occurred. On the sixth it recurred. After the error occurs I simply re-issue F5 and then the script runs without error and completes successfully.
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On Jan 23, 2015, at 8:20 AM, kornelis.abe wrote:
access violation while running script
Thread created by kornelis.abe
I just ran into another access vioalation. This time I was running a script using F5.
I loaded the script by dragging it from the project manager window into the editor, then hit F5. As I had to run the script on a whole list of databases, I hit F5 before Toad had finished loading and displaying the script in the editor window.
So it might (just might) be a timing issue.

Again, I have saved full error details.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Kind regards, and have a nice weekend,
Abe Kornelis.
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