Reports do not work, since no Instance
can be selected:
The old version runs this query that I don't see with the current beta:
select distinct h.instance_number, h.db_name, p.pdb_name as instance_name
where h.dbid = :dbid
and h.dbid = p.dbid
order by 1;
Hi Peter,
I don't have any problem running AWR report here.
That exact query only runs if you are connected as sysdba to a pluggable db. But connecting as sysdba is not a requirement to run the report.
Based on the symptoms you're describing (and looking at the code) I suspect there was some error as the window was opening. Maybe connection was lost and then restored? Does closing/reopening the window fix it?
Hi John,
I'm connecting to a 19c PDB as a non-SYS user without Oracle client.
Comparing a fresh (thus also new connection) instance of to 17.1.717.3711.
I had a closer look now, and it seems that the PDB does not get pre-selected here:
Once I select the PDB, the instance dropdown gets populated:
select distinct instance_number, instance_name
where dbid = :dbid
order by 1;
select snap_interval, retention, topNSQL
from sys.dba_hist_wr_control
where dbid = :dbid;
It's also interesting the the new beta does not show the DB type which might be related:
It looks like this in the previous release:
Thanks, Peter
Hi Peter,
I found the problem and will fix. The changes were not intentional.
Thanks for reporting it.
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