Advice 106 error with 6.1

I was almost sure that I had reported this error before but I could not find the message (here or in the beta forum).

where is the code

a varchar2(80):=’

'; BEGIN htp.p(a); END;

after formating

a VARCHAR2 (80) := ’

/*ADVICE(2): Literal string contains a new-line or other unprintable
character [106] */ '; BEGIN HTP.p (a); END;

The advice is placed inside the quotes! changing the variable and the program!

Due to that I advice EVERYONE to TURNOFF that advice:106!!!

Hi Filipe,

I remember that I raised a CR for this issue. I tried to search for your previous thread about this topic too. I got no luck. But I finally found it in my CR:

I’m sorry that I didn’t update that thread. trying to go through all missed-out threads now:).


Hi Vicent

I could not find that thread with the search :frowning:
