Bug Fixes
Hi Dennis, how do I install I tried Beta Update from 12…7.0.34, but am getting ‘Error: Error downloading URL:’ message in the Download Manager. Thanks, Seyed Golshani
Seyed - how are you trying to download it - from within Toad or from ToadWorld?
The ToadWorld site is:
and then you just click on ‘Update Beta’ for either 32/64 bit (depending on your installation) - this will download the update .MSP file. I just tried this
and it worked ok for me.
From: Seyed Golshani [mailto:bounce-seyedgolshani@toadworld.com]
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2015 12:33 PM
To: toadoraclebeta@toadworld.com
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] Beta Released (
Reply by Seyed Golshani
Hi Dennis, how do I install I tried Beta Update from 12…7.0.34, but am getting ‘Error: Error downloading URL:’ message in the Download Manager. Thanks, Seyed Golshani
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Hi Dennis, thank you for the information. I just installed on a Windows 2003 Server workstation. I logged on to it, and so far, I haven’t seen any errors. While I was on, I was getting a lot of Access Violation errors. If I find any issues, I will post them on the Beta site. Thanks again