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Hello All:

This is one of those blanket / 50,000 foot level inquiries: I work for a consulting firm and do a lot of ad-hoc querying and reporting (SQL 2012). A client of ours uses TOAD for SQL (Oracle backend). I’d like to learn more about the SQL syntax, joins, etc. Also, I’d like to learn about various operators that can be used in querying (contains, near, etc.) and see some examples.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Perhaps the answers lie in this forum, but I’m having difficulty finding what I need. Perhaps someone can provide a link.

Thank you for the assistance.

Hi Sdcraig,

We search the information on MSDN :…/en-US;emptyWatermark=true&searchButtonTooltip=Search%20MSDN&ac=4

About SQL Server syntax, hope this website will help you…/sql_join_inner.asp



About SQL Server syntax, hope this website will help you