I noticed this and thought I would pass it on.
While operating under a user account, not authorized for Team Coding admin, the team coding uninstall options seemed to be live.
I tested and was able to create the uninstall script.
I DID not test to see if I could remove my team coding installation
I am seeing the same behavior of SOME users that do not have the TC_ADMIN role. However, for some of my other Oracle users, these options are grayed out.
Would be good to hear from Dev on this one to see if perhaps there are other database roles that may be authorizing non TC admin users to create uninstall.
Hi Gary,
Any user on the Database who has a DBA role can remove the TC User. This is by-design
From: Gary.Jerep bounce-GaryJerep@toadworld.com
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 1:33 PM
To: toadoraclebeta@toadworld.com
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] Can a user account remove team coding from the database?
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RE: Can a user account remove team coding from the database?
Reply by Gary.Jerep
I am seeing the same behavior of SOME users that do not have the TC_ADMIN role. However, for some of my other Oracle users, these options are grayed out.
Would be good to hear from Dev on this one to see if perhaps there are other database roles that may be authorizing non TC admin users to create uninstall.
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I didn’t see Brad’s response to you before I posted mine. He is correct, in that any DBA user has the ability to remove the TC user, and that is by design. Please ignore my previous post on this, as that would just add to the confusion. If a user is a member of the DBA role, he would have complete ability to remove Team Coding, regardless of whether that user is a member of the TC_ADMIN role.
OK. That makes sense. And I was operating under a high-authorization user ID at the time. Good to know though and something I will pass on to the team.