Code analysis using Run with parameter file

You have to either specify the actual directories in the AD Code Analysis action, or use the INI file as Greg mentioned. Currently, there is no way to reference the Folder Iterator variable in the CA action. But, I think that is a good enhancement. The CA action could either reference the variable, or ‘Recurse’ could be added to the folder action in the ‘Add Directory’ option - or even both. I would suggest adding this to the Idea Pond, so people can vote on it.

Hello All,

I ran Code analysis with “Run Review and SQL scan” option but it is taking lot of time…(More than 5 days) job status shows still running…

But only for “Run Review” option it works fine…


I have around 1200 sql files to SQL scan- and an on average basis each file contains atleast 1500 lines

Is it really going to take more time with “SQL scan” option for more number of files?

Please help me how can I overcome from this?

Thanks in advance,


SQL Scan is a much slower process since it has to evaluate each SQL and look for the various options to see where it can be improved. This is the same process
used by SQL Optimizer. You may be better off just running the Review in Toad and running the SQL Scan process in SQL Optimizer as a separate process. SQL Optimizer offers many more options and you may be able to gain a performance advantage by using the
tool directly.


From: vinodkm []

Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:56 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Code analysis using Run with parameter file

RE: Code analysis using Run with parameter file

Reply by vinodkm

Hello All,

I ran Code analysis with “Run Review and SQL scan” option but it is taking lot of time…(More that 5 days) job status shows still running…

But only for “Run Review” option it works fine…


I have around 1200 sql files to SQL scan- and an on average basis each file contains atleast 1500 lines

Is it really going to take more time with “SQL scan” option for more number of files?

Please help me how can I overcome from this?

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Dear All,

How can I change the “Run Name” of the Code Analysis"

For Example:

Normally Toad generates default run name like “RUN3_12/23/2013_15:14:56”

But I want to change that into my specific requirement like “My_project_name” automatically…

Thanks in Advance,


Dear All,

Can you please help on the above question?

Thanks in advance,


Sorry for the delay in response but Dell is closed for the week of Christmas here in the US.

To answer your question, the SERVERSIDE_INSERT_RUNNAME is set to AUTOGENERATE. you can change this to anything you like but it must be unique per run or it will fail on the DB insert step. There is no way currently to do this automatically but you could add this to the Idea Pond.


Hello Sir,

Thank u for your valueble input…

I am contineously working on this and its quite a chanllenge.

I have another question.

In code analysis I understand Code analysis results will be stored in below tables like:












But my Question is

Where will be the Module analysis results will be stored? in which tables?

I could not find any tables or view related to this!

Please thro some light on this:-)

Please find the attached file above.

Thanks in advance.


The results are saved (if that option is used) in several tables: CX_XPERTRUN, CX_XPERTITEMS, and CXXPERTLINES. All other tables are used for reference.

CX_XPERTRUN contains the run ID, the Run Name, and the date

CX_XPERTITEMS contains the Run Name and the information about the objects in the run

CX_XPERTLINES contains the Run Name, the referenced item, the location of the rule violation (line and col), the violated rule id, and the title of the group
from where the rule originated.

There is an action (Code Analysis Metrics History) that allows you to retrieve information on items that you’ve executed and saved the results. It allows export
to Excel and HTML.

In addition, there are options in the CA param file that allow you to export the history (XLS and HTML) as well.

From: vinodkm []

Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 2:21 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Code analysis using Run with parameter file

RE: Code analysis using Run with parameter file

Reply by vinodkm

Hello Sir,

Thank u for your valueble input…

I am contineusly working on this and its quite a chanllenge.

I have another question.

In code analysis I understand Code analysis results will be stored in below tables like:












But my Question is

Where will be the Module analysis results will be stored? in which tables?

I could not find any tables or view related to this!

Please thro some light on this:-)

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Dear Sir,

Where I can find the query for Number of lines of code and commented lines of information…

I could able to see the values for Lines of code and commented lines but I could not exctract same.

Actually I need to show the Lines of code and commented lines

Could you pls throw some light on how to crack this information…

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,


In the GUI, it’s available in the Module Analysis section.

When running via command line/action/parameter, that information is currently only in the XML output in the Module Analysis section:

 <property_category name="Module Analysis" imageindex="309">

                 <property name="Comment Lines" imageindex="-1" occurences="43"/>

                 <property name="Statements" imageindex="-1" occurences="645"/>

                 <property name="Code Lines" imageindex="-1" occurences="1507"/>

                 <property name="Declarations" imageindex="-1" occurences="87"/>

                 <property name="Package Bodies" imageindex="-1" occurences="1">

                       <property_text linenum="2" linepos="0" imageindex="-1"/>


                 <property name="Package Specifications" imageindex="-1" occurences="0"/>

                 <property name="Stand Alone Functions" imageindex="-1" occurences="0"/>

                 <property name="Stand Alone Procedures" imageindex="-1" occurences="0"/>

                 <property name="Views" imageindex="-1" occurences="0"/>


From: vinodkm []

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 6:33 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Code analysis using Run with parameter file

RE: Code analysis using Run with parameter file

Reply by vinodkm

Dear Sir,

Where I can find the query for Number of lines of code and commented lines of information…

I could able to see the values for Lines of code and commented lines but I could not exctract same.

Actually I need to show the Lines of code and commented lines

Could you pls throw some light on how to crack this information…

Thanks in Advance,

Best Regards,


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Question - if they were using the code analysis repository then would that info not be readily available for query from a simple table :slight_smile:

Actually, no. That information isn’t part of the table storage. Only the metrics (that are based on this information) are stored.

From: Bert Scalzo []

Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 8:07 AM


Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] Code analysis using Run with parameter file

RE: Code analysis using Run with parameter file

Reply by Bert Scalzo

Question - if they were using the code analysis repository then would that info not be readily available for query from a simple table :slight_smile:

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