DBMS_OUTPUT : new feature


it could be nice, to trigger DBMS_OUTPUT in a script with pseudo instructions like :

/DBMS_CLEAR/ --clear the dbms_output window

/*DBMS_SAVE */ – save dbms content to a file

/*DBMS_COPY */ __ copy to clipboard

Thank you for reading.

Best regards,

Christophe Wirtz

senior PLSQL developper

If you want to use your “dbms_save” after each sql command, then you have spool.

To interrupt spool from oracle, IMHO, would be very hard and tricky. Doubt to be easy possible … it should use some local storage for initial staging and then populating data in toad and parse your “dbms_%” proposals.

And last, why do you need that? could you show some pseudo code to get a wider idea…

The output of DBMS_OUTPUT (ie. the results of PUT and PUT_LINES) is written to a buffer stored in the SGA. The contents of the buffer are only accessible using DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE and DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES - which is effectively what both TOAD and SQL-PLUS use (assuming you SET SERVEROUTPUT ON - TOAD internally does the same thing) to display the contents once execution of the procedure / package that you have invoked completes. This also explains why the output of DBMS_OUTPUT is only available when the procedure / package execution completes.

You can programmatically clear the buffer by calling DBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE in your procedure / package.

You can also programmatically access the contents of the buffer yourself by coding DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES in a procedure / package (and then saving the results into a table).

Package and procedure execution is stateless, meaning that there is no direct access to an output device while the procedure / package is running - the only way to get information to the outside world is to write it into a buffer like what DBMS_OUTPUT does. This also means that there is no access to a clipboard buffer (which exists only on the client side anyway and procedures / packages run on the server side).

The only way to save the contents of the DBMS_OUTPUT buffer is to turn SPOOLing on in SQL-PLUS (or save the contents of TOAD's output window to a file).

Stephen Miller - email: miller_stephen at usa.net

------ Original Message ------

Received: 09:56 AM EDT, 06/28/2017
From: christophe.wirtz bounce-christophewirtz@toadworld.com
To: toadoracle@toadworld.com
Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] DBMS OUTPUT : new feature

DBMS_OUTPUT : new feature

Thread created by christophe.wirtz

it could be nice, to trigger DBMS_OUTPUT in a script with pseudo instructions like :

/DBMS_CLEAR/ --clear the dbms_output window

/*DBMS_SAVE */ -- save dbms content to a file

/*DBMS_COPY */ __ copy to clipboard


Thank you for reading.

Best regards,

Christophe Wirtz

senior PLSQL developper

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Hi Stephan,

Your explanation is far more proffi version of mine.
But I assume that poster want to introduce some staging in Toad before it shows in spool.
In that way all what user ask would be possible.
This would really need a huge reprogramming of Toad interface…with small or none benefits, as you stated as well.
