The whole morning I was fighting with special characters. I need to import a UTF-8 file into our database, where the default charset is WE8MSWIN1252 and the secondary charset is AL32UTF8. I used the dbms_output command to debug before inserting the 1300000 records into the database, and I got always reversed question marks on special characters like the bulgarian ones.
After a While, I've decided to insert the records (in NVARCHAR2 fields), because I absolutely needed them, and I was really surprised, that the reversed question marks had disappeared. Here a print screen of the records and the related dbms_output lines
I searched if the DBMS_OUTPUT command supports UTF-8, and found no indication it doesn't.
So, is it SQL Nav that does not show the right characters in the output window, or an Oracle problem ?
Sample text I used for the tests :
AT 8263 Großwilfersdorf Steiermark 06 Politischer Bezirk Hartberg-Fürstenfeld 622 Großwilfersdorf 62217 47.0833 15.9833 4
AT 8272 Nörning Steiermark 06 Politischer Bezirk Hartberg-Fürstenfeld 622 Ebersdorf 62209 47.2 15.95 4
BE 4032 Liège Chênée Wallonie WAL Liège Liège 50.6412 5.5718 3
BE 4120 Neupré Wallonie WAL Liège Liège 50.4952 5.5673 1
BG 8500 Айтос / Ajtos Бургас / Burgas BGS Айтос / Ajtos BGS01 BGS01-00 42.7 27.25 4
LT 75044 Žilių k. Šilalės r. sav. 55.5639 22.4514 3
LT 75044 Pelkės k. Šilalės r. sav. 55.5639 22.4514 3
LT 75044 Ąžuolijos k. Šilalės r. sav. 55.5639 22.4514 3
LT 75044 Pakalniškių k. Šilalės r. sav. 55.5639 22.4514 3
LT 75044 Mankiškės k. Šilalės r. sav. 55.5639 22.4514 3
MX 55840 Santa María Maquixco México MEX Teotihuacán 092 19.7255 -98.8998 1
MX 55840 Ampliación Ejidal Maquixco México MEX Teotihuacán 092 19.7255 -98.8998 1
PL 90-552 Łódź Łódzkie Łódź 51.75 19.4667 4