I have Toad 15 and Oracle 12c x64 Client.
When I try to format a package with "fetch first" clause Toad give me error.
When i try to execute procedure with "run to cursor" from menu, Toad gives error.
With Toad 12 I have no errors.
I have Toad 15 and Oracle 12c x64 Client.
When I try to format a package with "fetch first" clause Toad give me error.
When i try to execute procedure with "run to cursor" from menu, Toad gives error.
With Toad 12 I have no errors.
Looks like there may have been some regression in the parser... Quest Dev please take note...
Just curious if a work-around for now might be to change the FETCH to equivalent phrasing?
e.g. do any of the following work without parse errors?
I'm guessing the run to cursor might be because of the parsing error? Or is it not working at all for other code?
Is it related to Bug? Parser problem with OFFSET i subquery ?
The screenshot just hides one or two interesting lines of text near the top...
Could well be. The screenshot SQL looks like this:
select 1
from dual
where 1 in nvl((select 2
from dual
offset 0 rows
fetch next 1 rows only),
and that is indeed related to the other mentioned issue.
I tried other codes: not working at all for other code
I have Toad