What does this mean
Unable to cast object of type ‘Quest.Toad.DB2.DB2ToadConnection’ to type ‘Quest.Toad.Odbc.OdbcToadConnection’.
Stack Trace:
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
at Quest.Toad.Util.Global.Invoke(Delegate handler, Object[] args)
at Quest.Toad.Db.ToadDataAdapter.RaiseDone(Object sender, EventArgs args)
at Quest.Toad.Db.ToadDataAdapter.InternalFillBackground()
I have a Db2 table and an access table in QB and when I execute it I get the above
Sorry it took so long to answer this post. The email got sent to my junk mail.
What version are you using Cross-Conneciton in? In the latest Beta, the DB2 LUW + Access combo works fine for me.
In the GA releases there were issues with Cross-Connection in the BASE edition. The PRO edition is also fine.
What are you using?
Hello Debbie,
Thgis is my first attempts at using TDA, I took th latesversion availabale
onthe Prduction support site and downloaded that and Installed it , this was version
I’m not clear on what you are asking about for Cross Connection In, I was uisng an access 2007 database.
Please let me know.
I am assuming that you are trying to use Access and DB2 in the same query? Is that correct? We call this a Cross-Query.
For Toad for Data Analysts 3.0 there are two versions, Base and Professional. The Cross-Query execution piece is different in the two versions. The Base edition has an error and does not work with DB2. CR91605.
The Cross-Query execution piece in the Pro edition works great. So if you are checking out Cross-Query, I would down load and try the Pro Trial version.
To determine if you have Pro or Base, see the About box. See screenshot.

When will Baseline be repaired ?
What License is required to use Pro TDA beyond the 30 day trial.
I am currently asking that the Base edition Cros-Query be removed from the product. It basiclly uses Access to do the cross-query and I feel it is so slow and error prone it is not up to production quality.
The Pro version requires a pro commerical license. There are some intro prices for this package but I do not know what they are. The Pro edition includes embedded database, data visualization, data cleansing, etc. Check out the trial and if you are interested I can get the price for you.