Error upon logging in

Does anyone know what this error message means? The user is getting multiple pop up error windows when opening TOAD, and this is from the window where it says 'Copy to Clipboard"


Exception occurred in other process

Stack Trace:

at Dell.NamedPipeRPC.MessagePumpClient.Invoke(Delegate target, Object[] parameters)

at Quest.Toad.Db.ConnectionProxy.ProxyConnectionParameter.Finalize()


Internal error: cannot remove IDbConnection in IConnection: ‘P1MAXTRAN (VIEWALL), VIEWALL’

Stack Trace:

at Quest.Toad.Db.Connection.ForceClose()

at Quest.Toad.Db.Connection.Dispose(Boolean inDispose)

at Quest.Toad.Db.Connection.Dispose(Connection connectionThis, Boolean bNotFromFinalizer)

at Dell.Common.LiveTime.DisposingHelper`1.Dispose(T tobject, Boolean bNotFromFinalizer)

at Quest.Toad.Gui.MainForm.OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Form.RaiseFormClosingOnAppExit()

I don’t recognize that error stack. Try renaming your App data Dir. If that does not help i suggest you open a support case.

I’ve seen this error before multiple times, but only on random basis, not even reproducible easily. Is that every time he starts it?

By the way, the above error is during closing Toad and not opening it thus i believe this is one of the last errors that appeared when Toad was being forcibly shut down due to the first error… Any way you could receive the details of other errors too?
