Error zipping large files using Toad data Point Automation

I’m running into the following error while zipping large files using Toad Data Point.

Archive_1 - Compressed or Uncompressed size, or offset exceeds the maximum value. Consider setting the UseZip64WhenSaving property on the ZipFile instance.

I am not able to figure out how to change that property in settings.

Please Advise.

Thank You


I’v never seen this error. How large of a file are you zipping up?

Hello Debbie, the file is about 5.4 GB.Thanks

I have found that larger than 2 GB causes problems with most ordniary file zippers. You probably need to find one designed for large files that has comand line ability. The you can call it with a run program step in Toad.

The component we are using says 4GB is its limit but only relying on 2GB sounds safer