Extract DDL on Drag & Drop doesn't work in SQL Navigator 7.0


It seems that extract DDL on Drag & Drop with DBNavigator doesn’t work in SQL Navigator 7.0 (of course preference is set).

Any help ?


Hi Etienne,

I can confirm that extract DDL on drag & drop within the DB Navigator does not work.

We will try to fix this for you soon. We will let you know through this post when the new binary will be available.

Thanks and regards,


Hi Bruce,

Thank you for your answer.

I wait for the fix…


Hi Etienne,

We just would like to you know that we could not get this resolved yet. We upgraded the newer version of the Virtual Tree component in v7.0 that breaks the drag & drop functionalities in SQL Navigator. The drag & drop within the same DB Navigator tree still works and launch the extract DDL.

Vincent is still working on the changes to fix this for you to make it extract DDL work when drag and drop between DB Navigator trees. We will let you know soon when we can provide you a new binary to verify.

Thanks and regards,


Hi Etienne,

The new binary sqlnavigator.exe is now available for you to download.

Please refer to our product support site for the download link.

Thanks and regards,


Hi Bruce,

It works for me.

Thanks a lot !
