Extract DDL not working since upgrade to

Whenever I try to Extract DDL on an object, I now get a blank screen. This did not happen until the recent upgrade. I am using Win XP SP2 against an oracle 10g database. Any helpful suggestions?

Message was edited by: bdavid_859

Sorry, I typed a little too fast, the version should be

Hi, could you please try resetting preferences? Go to View || Preferences, press Save button to save your current preferences into a location, then press the Reset button and click Yes in the confirmation dialog. After this, try to extract DDL from your objects again. Let me know if it works or not.


Message was edited by: vliu

Thanks. That seems to have helped with most objects, but when IO use this on my external tables, I get an ‘Invalid variant operation’ error. This is a vexing problem as I use extract DDL frequently on our external tables.

I would hate to have to rely on SQL developer.

Thank you for the information. We have known from other feedback that the ‘Invalid variant operation’ error happens. We’re still looking at this. Could you manage to get the DDL of your external tables using previous SQL Nav or other tools then attach it here? It would be helpful for us to figure out the problem with 6.2.


Yes, all of my previous versions extracted DDL from external tables without problems. This is a new issue with 6.2.

Thanks for looking into this.

Here is a simple example of extracting DDL using SQL developer. Attached.
ext_etm_stage.txt (1.92 KB)

Thanks for providing the script. Although I still could not reproduce the error at the moment, I will take high priority looking into this and keep you posted.



Did this table belong to your current schema or a different schema?
Did you try to use the old DB navigator tree (f12) or the DB Explorer?
If you use a different user to log in, could you please provide us with the extract ddl for that user?



Just to let you know that we managed to reproduce the issue. This bug has a P1 priority.


Gwen and Vliu,

Thank you for looking into this so promptly. I appreciate your efforts!