Features Questions

I have not installed TDM and am a longtime user of ERWin. I looked through the feature list and want to ask about these features:

  1. Do you have the option to export the data model report (Table Column datatype Null Comment PK FK) to Word or Excel? Erwin has this option although it has a bug that truncates the comment in Excel.
  2. Do you have the ability to straighten the relationship lines so they only travel N/S/E/W? Otherwise it is difficult to keep them orderly in a large model.
  3. Does TDM manage subtypes?
  4. Does TDM auto-arrange in NW corner?
  5. Does TDM support text labels/boxes on diagram?

I suppose if all answers are yes you may wish to add to features list.

Hi Thomas,

thank you for your questions

  1. export to excel is available. See Model | Reports / XSL Transformation and select Entities (CSV). The XSL templates can be easily customized. If you need help, let me know.
  2. Yes. Right click workarea and select Change Lines to Right Angled. (you can define this setting or workspace, right click workarea and select Workspace Format. On tab General, check the Right Angled Lines check box.) Genaral option for the application is available too. Select Settings | Options and go to section Model / Physical model. On tab Workspace, enable the Right Angled Checkbox.
  3. Yes. Create new logical model.
  4. Autolayout is available, it uses NW corner.
  5. Yes. See Notes (blue icon on toolbar, next to View and Materialized View icons)

