Future of SQL Navigator 8: feature requests

Hi, I see 2 small enhancements in the upcoming version :
1) code formatter: possiblity to tune or add new SQL statments formats:
For instance in ORACLE 19c, for JSON SQL json_table function, you can omit the PATH keyword and subsequent json path if the json column as the same name as the query column.
But if you omit the PATH keyword in SQL Nav, at the formatting doesn't work anymore.
Example with format that works:

SELECT ActualGoodsMovementTime
           (SELECT a.json_data
              FROM json_data_api a),
           COLUMNS (
               ActualGoodsMovementTime PATH '$.d.ActualGoodsMovementTime'))

Example with format that doesn't work:

SELECT ActualGoodsMovementTime
           (SELECT a.json_data
              FROM json_data_api a),           '$[*]'
           COLUMNS (               ActualGoodsMovementTime ))

2) Status bar for DML PL/SQL statement excution feedback
In SQL Nav 5.5 UI, you had at the bottom of a script window, the results of your DML statement execution: number of updated rows, if query, result for PL/SQL block etc.
In SQL Nav 7.6 UI, I don't see this status anymore, apart from the SPOOL Windows but then you have to switch each time to the spool window.
By the way is there a keyboard shortcut to switch spool window?

Hope I am clear....