Go to session of selected lock does not work

I am using latest beta, "Go to session of selected lock" from block tab, session browsing does not work.



HI Mauro,

For me, it works but if the locks tab has been refreshed more recently than the Sessions tab, and the "Session of blocking lock" is not present yet in the Sessions tab, then it doesn't refresh right away to add it. Is that what you are seeing?

Other than that, it seems to work as expected for me as shown below


When Locks tab is selected it is also refreshed, if at this point I just select one row and then I use the "Go to session of selected lock" button it simply jumps to a wrong session.
But ... this happens on a 11.2 Oracle, I have just tried with a 19.3 and it works fine.
Can it be possibile that the oracle version matters in some way?



To find the session in the Sessions tab, we try to match sessions up by SID. If it is a RAC instance, we also use Instance ID. We don't do anything different here for different Oracle versions.

Is either your 11.2 or 19.3 database RAC?


None of the two are RAC, just normal single instance databases.



Maybe it depends on how your Session Browser is configured.

Can you send a screen shot of your Sessions tab? You can send it in a direct message if you don't want the world to see it.

Here it is



Thanks. And can you give me an example of which SID you click on in locks tab, and where it goes instead on Session tab?

For instance, I click on a session whose SID is 27 and it jumps to 235
I have just tried 17.0.341.1977 version with the very same db and it simply does not jump to a session whatsoever, wrong but different from beta

