Everything time I start Toad and open a connection, I have to resize the output window. I have tried saving the desktop but still Toad defaults to the default window size. Next time I start Toad and open the same connection, I have to resize the output window to my preference. This is very annoying. Would be nice if had the option to save the size of the output window.
I'm unable to reproduce. I just opened Toad and made a connection. I opened the Output window using the View > Output Window menu item; it opened docked at the bottom. I resized it larger to occupy ~1/2 of my screen. I close Toad and restart Toad and it restored the Output Window to its prior size. Am I missing any steps there compared to what you're doing?
I have attached the steps to reproduce. Thank you
Ed Spotnitz
Senior Database Administrator
d 480.675.5524 | cell 408-710-4459
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