If you have other editor open and the global option to auto save desktops then the last closed Editor will probably overwrite the desktop. Let’s do this to
make it as simple as possible.
Start Toad.
Do not make any connections. Close any connections/Editors that were automatically made when starting.
Open an Editor (w/o connection).
Configure and save your desktop, or restore the default one, etc. Make sure you give it the same name that was already there. “SQL” or “PL/SQL” by
Now make your connections and open Editors. Is it correct?
From: gerald.novak [mailto:bounce-geraldnovak@toadworld.com]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 12:14 PM
To: toadoracle@toadworld.com
Subject: RE: [Toad for Oracle - Discussion Forum] setting TOAD Editor window size - ARRG!
RE: setting TOAD Editor window size - ARRG!
Reply by gerald.novak
Found the save desktop. Saved it as default. Replace? Yes!
Close connection (other connections remain open).
Open connection and …nope, the datagrid is still not where I set it
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